Live entertainment and a special Nuit Blanche drink!
TEQUILA JACKS is Ottawa’s Ultimate party destination where every age group can mesh and party together. Our music ranges from classic rock, top 40, country, and mainstream house that are sure to satisfy everyone’s musical needs. The age of the TEQUILA JACKS patrons ranges from 19 year old university and college students to tourists and business people in their thirties looking for a night away from the stresses of daily life.
TEQUILA JACKS finds its inspiration in anything that is trendy and fun, may it be viral YouTube videos, crazy bachelor parties, the time you promised not to talk about in Las Vegas, or that crazy night out you had that your friends won’t let you forget about. With multiple risers for dancing, pole’s on platforms for people to hang off of, VIP bottle service, and weekly special’s Tequila Jacks has something for everyone.