L’Orchestre des Basses Fréquences L’OBF, Lentille Céleste sur la basse-ville, 305 Cumberland, ByWard

L’Orchestre des Basses Fréquences L’OBF, Lentille Céleste sur la basse-ville, 305 Cumberland, ByWard

A performance including music, multimedia and multiple projection pieces. Take a look through our looking glass taking you back into moments of the past of lower-town alternating to moments of the future. The public will participate by communicating their visions of the future.

 Our collective is interested by the phenomena of direct performance and constructs audio-visual events with themes that explore memory, architecture, nature and  landscape.The music collective is engaged in a reflexion letting the public join into a transcendental experience of a multimedia event. The power of combination between visuals and sounds lay on the research of the plastique elements to see and hear. The result of this is a set of 8mm films found footage and collage that allow a research on how time intertwines between voyage and how it generates sensation and reflexion. Using a cello, drums and many different percussion objects, this is a piece evoking rhythm and poetry through many variety of sounds.

Medium: , , , Site: http://www.VCRT.ca